
Hi there, fellow small business owner! 


I'm Kate Ames, the creator behind Package Mint. We're all about adding a touch of fun and flair to your brand with bright and bold packaging.


From Stay At Home Mom to Business Owner 

I'm a mom of three who started selling online in 2015. Juggling my family and work has been a wild ride, from selling a bit of everything to exploring different ventures that have taken me all over the world (literally!).

In 2020 during the height of the pandemic lockdowns, something clicked. Out of my own desperation, I started selling bulk elastic on Etsy when my party supply business lost almost all sales overnight. I found a community of Etsy sellers, many of them moms like me, pouring their hearts and souls into their craft. That's when I realized there was a need for packaging that not only is functional, but also reflects your brand’s aesthetic and brings a smile to your customer’s face. I also discovered I loved this community of creative small shop owners, and my mission to bring you packaging + help your business grow was officially born.


It's All About Community and Passion

What sets Package Mint apart? It's not just about the products; it's about the people. I'm not here to just sell stuff; I'm here to connect. My mission is to help small businesses stand out- and packaging is only a small piece of the puzzle.

That's why you can often find me on TikTok not only showing off fun mailers, but giving you a behind the scenes look at how I am building Package Mint, and the fundamentals of growing a small business. 


Creating Unique Childhoods, Empowering Dreams

As a mom, my personal business journey is all about giving my kids a childhood that's as special as they are. This drive is all about living life on my terms. I love helping others achieve their dreams, whether it's saving for a dream vacation, spending quality time at home with their little ones, or just being their own bosses and calling the shots!


Keep It Simple, Just Get Started!

If I could share one piece of advice, it's this: Keep it simple, take that first step, and stick to your plan. Don't overthink it – just start. Embrace the messy parts, because they're all part of the journey. Jump in and get to work! 💖


Cheers to bold, bright packaging and standout small businesses! 


Kate Ames
Founder, Package Mint